
The Wet Lab is a non-profit community platform. It subsists on donations, which can be made in the following ways:

  • You may support us passively as you shop on Amazon. A percentage of every purchase you make will be donated to The Wet Lab: please visit amazon smile and set your support for the Wet Lab
  • Tax-deductible donations may be made to fund a specific project . Your donation will help that project meet its needs and ultimately contribute to its success. Your name will be affiliated with any of the resulting work. To make a donation for a specific project, please go to the projects fundraising page.
  • Tax-deductible donations may be made directly to The Wet Lab to pay for and maintain basic equipment and resources for all projects, support our educational efforts, lecture series, workshop series, and outreach. To make a donation of this type, please click on the donate button below.
  • All of our equipment has been donated by members and participants in the broader community which helps each other with materials, reagents, biological parts, equipment, protocols and knowledge. If you have equipment or supplies to donate, please contact .

We thank you for your participation and your support!

501c3 Info:

The Wet Lab is a tax-deductible public charity in the state of California.
EIN #81-4247481